Cookie Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core comes with a cookie middleware system that can be used without ASP.NET Core Identity. The reason to use cookie authentication instead of ASP.NET core identity is that you want to provide your own database and login implementation.

Loading Documents in RavenDB

This blog post will address RavenDB. I will show how to retrieve and query documents and then review some technical details about the underlying framework which takes advantage of RavenDB. I will give a short introduction to the session object that is used to load the documents and how to override the default settings of RavenDB document store.

Routing in ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core is starting to be a good choice for new web projects. In this post, I will show you how to make a simple route in an empty ASP.NET Core application.

Entityframework Code First

In this blog post, I will talk about Entity Framework Code First. I expect that you have a basic understanding of Entity Framework, what it is, and how it works. I will talk about best practice and why we should use Entity Framework Code First. First, I will show an example of a code first implementation.

RavenDB an introduction

In this blog post, I will make a small introduction to document based database systems. I will talk about the benefits that RavenDB has over other database systems. In the last section of the blog, I will guide you through a simple console application using RavenDB, and talk about some of the overall concepts you need to know to start working with RavenDB. This blog post will not be a detailed guide using best practices, but rather an overall introduction to RavenDB.

Using Gulp with ASP.NET Core 1.0

With the release of ASP.NET Core 1.0, Microsoft encourages developers to use task runners like Gulp and Grunt. In this blog, I will go over the basic to get started setting up Gulp for an ASP.NET Core application.

Creating APIs in ASP.NET MVC

In a modern day web application, we want to use APIs for creating responsive web applications. This is done by using async calls to the APIs and therefore reduce the number of postbacks to the server, making a better user experience and reducing the load on the web server.

View Models in ASP.NET MVC

In ASP.NET MVC best practice is to use view models. A view model in ASP.NET MVC is a simple class only containing the data, that you want to display on your view. A view model can contain all from static text to input values like a assortment of countries for a drop-down menu.

Inversion of Control Container

ASP.NET Core comes with a build in inversion of control container. In this post, I will introduce the concept of inversion of control and show how to use the build in container in ASP.NET Core to handle the dependencies of your application.

AutoMapper The Basics

AutoMapper is a library for the .NET platform, which has the task of mapping an object to another. The usefulness comes when working with views or APIs where data must be presented or sent. In the provided cases, one uses view models for view rendering, or data transfer objects when working with APIs.